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File Viewer ShortPoint element

Would be great to have a file viewer ShortPoint element to view files stored in SharePoint sites in a much more elegant way for better UX.

file formats supported to be excel, word, ppt, pdf 

6 people like this idea

Hi Peter,

Thank you for your interest and request.

We will update you if there's any news about such feature.

I also think, this requested feature would help for a better usability.


Hey Addie and Adam,

Thanks for your request. To be honest, not sure if we will be implementing this very soon. This was planned to be completed by the end of 2019, but it is not in the list of primary priorities.

I will update you if there's any news.

Best Regards,


Has there been any further progress on this item?

Any word if this will be happening soon? Planning a page based upon this feature.

Hi Santosh,

Thank you for the idea. I will include it into our feature request list, and discuss it with the team on our closest planning meeting.

Kindest Regards, 

Oksana Aloshyna

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