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Known Limitation: The Sort widget will not work for the Events Design Element when the "Group by day" option is enabled

Starting from ShortPoint version and above, Sort, Search, and Filter widgets will be available for these Design Elements: Date List, File List, Icon List, Image List, Events, Image Titles, Simple List, and Tiles.


However, there is a known limitation involving the Sort widget and the Events Design Element.


When you enable the Sort widget for the Events Design Element, the expected behavior is to have your items be rearranged in descending or ascending order:

expected sort behavior

However, when you have the “Group by day” option enabled for the Events Design Element, and then activate the Sort widget toolbar, sorting will not work as expected. As you can see in the GIF below, the sorting widget cannot be applied:

known limitation


The "Group by day" option in the Events Design Element already has an inbuilt sorting method to organize events with similar dates. Applying the Sort widget will go against this internal sort function and may provide inaccurate or contradicting results.


If you want to use the Sort Widget for the Events Design Element, make sure that the Group by Day option is disabled so that you can ensure that the widget provides accurate results.

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