In this article you can find out more about how to create ShortPoint element in ShortPoint Generator, where you will have an option to insert another ShortPoint element in it.
Note: This solution will work only with elements which has content box. Example: Panel, Tabs, Accordions, Toggles etc.
Our use case: We want to create the same style Panels and insert different elements inside it.
Step 1: Create an element in ShortPoint Generator
You can find more on it in this: ShortPoint Generator Basic Tutorial. Part 1: Creating Generated Content article.
Step 2: Add the %%content%% attribute
Once we have created and customized our Panel element in ShortPoint Generator.
Navigate to the Content tab of your Panel element and add %%content%% attribute. It will create the content box, where we will be able to insert some other ShortPoint elements or text.
Step 3: Add your generated element to the page
Open the Page Builder. You will see the new custom ShortPoint elements in the end of the elements list. Also, you can find it navigating to Custom tab.
Step 4: Insert the ShortPoint element inside your generated element
Now you can add any element inside your Panel
Step 5: Publish your changes

Now you can do the same steps and add you generated Panel again with other content.
Note: To make your Panel title customizable, please check this: Make parts of predefined elements customizable
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