From a modern page, you have linked a ShortPoint element to another page and you have selected the light-box option, but after saving the page and clicking the linked element, the browser navigates to the new page without opening the light-box.
In modern SharePoint, a user's click is being intercepted before it gets to ShortPoint. So by default, in modern pages, the SharePoint platform sends you to a new page before our code gets the chance to respond to the users click.
Please follow the steps below to fix the issue:
1. Open ShortPoint's modern Themebuilder on your site
2. In Themebuilder, navigate to Utilities > Custom Javascript
3. Copy the Javascript code below
/* Begin lightbox in modern page fix */ !function() { function ecallback(e) { var target =; if (target.className.indexOf('shortpoint') > -1 ) { var n = 6, parent = target, linkFound = false; while (n > 0) { if (parent instanceof HTMLAnchorElement) { n = 0; linkFound = true; break; } parent = parent.parentElement; --n; } if (linkFound) { var shortpointData = null; while (!shortpointData) { shortpointData = parent.dataset.shortpoint; parent = parent.parentElement; } } if (shortpointData) { var txt = "{" + decodeURIComponent(shortpointData) + "}"; var json = JSON.parse(txt); var type = Object.keys(json)[0]; if (json[type].linking == 'lightbox') { shortpoint.${ items: { src: json[type].link, }, type: "iframe" }); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } } } } window.addEventListener("click", ecallback, true) }(); /* End lightbox in modern page fix */
4. Paste it in the Custom Javascript textarea, see the screenshot below
5. Click Publish
The issue should now be resolved.