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How to Add ShortPoint to SharePoint Application Pages

In this article, we will learn how to add the ShortPoint app to a SharePoint Application page. But before we begin, let us first understand the different types of pages provided by SharePoint.

SharePoint Page Type Explained

PageSharePoint Online (Office 365)SharePoint On-premise (2013 / 2016)
Site Pages - WikiYou can create a wiki library in your site and create site pages. They are editable and you can create them as many as you want.

You can directly add ShortPoint components using ShortPoint ribbon actions.
You can create a wiki library in your site and create site pages. They are editable and you can create them as many as you want.

You can directly add ShortPoint components using ShortPoint ribbon actions.
Site Pages - Web PartBy default, when you create a list or library, their default pages inherit the settings from Web Part site pages.

You can create Web Part pages from your default Site Pages library as shown in below animation:
quick clipIn order to add ShortPoint to Web Part pages, you need to add content editor Web Part and then you will be able to see the ShortPoint in ribbon options. Please proceed to this article for more details.
By default, when you create a list or library, their default pages inherit the settings from Web Part site pages. Same way as explained in SharePoint online section, you can create Web Part in SharePoint On-premise too.

In order to add ShortPoint to Web Part pages, you need to add content editor Web Part and then you will be able to see the ShortPoint in ribbon options. Please proceed to this article for more details.
Application PagesApplication pages for SharePoint Online (Office 365) are the system pages which are located under layout folder:

https://<tenancyName><SharePoint Version Integer>/

You cannot modify the application pages in SharePoint Online and hence you cannot add ShortPoint to them. 
Application pages for SharePoint On-Premise are system pages which are located in your SharePoint server at following physical path:

C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\<SharePoint Version integer>\template\layouts

and same way as explained in SharePoint online, they can be accessible at the following web path:

https://<SharePoint site Url>/_layouts/<SharePoint Version Integer>/

You can modify the system pages in SharePoint On-premise, however it is not recommended by Microsoft to modify the system pages as your changes might get overwritten when you update your farm.

However, in case you have created custom Application pages to be deployed at layout folder of your SharePoint farm and you want to add ShortPoint elements to them, please follow the steps described in the section below to do so.
Modern PagesThis is a new type of pages introduced by Microsoft recently. By default, when you create a Modern Site, you will see the Modern page as your default site home page. From there, you can create Modern pages using the Add context menu.

For classic sites, you can follow this article to modernize your classic SharePoint sites and add modern pages. You can also change the experience of your default library to Modern by following steps explained in this article.
Modern Pages support for SharePoint On-premise is not yet supported by Microsoft.

Add ShortPoint to Application Pages

As explained above, this scenario is only supported when you have SharePoint On-premise environment and you want to customize an existing Application page (System page) OR you want to add new Application page with ShortPoint in it.

Step 1. Open the Application page

Open the application page where you want to add ShortPoint elements.

Step 2. Add your content

Go to the part of page you would want to add ShortPoint and add following;

<div class="data-shortpoint-wrap" style="visibility:hidden;opacity:0;">

Step 3. Create the template

Replace <PUT YOUR CONTENT HERE> with your ShortPoint code. You can create a temporary Wiki Page in your SharePoint site, add all the ShortPoint you want to put in your template and finally copy that as shown below:

quick clip

Note: You canonot edit the ShortPoint available to Application pages directly from the browser. In case you would still want to change your Shortpoint, you can creatre a wiki/webpart page, add ShortPoint with your desired changes, copy its code and follow the above steps to replace the ShortPoint content to your application page.

You may refer to this article to get information how to embed ShortPoint in Page Templates (Publishing Page Layouts): How to Create a Page Template (Page Layout) with ShortPoint Pre-Defined.

Your page is ready!

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