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Known Issue: Hub Menu Items and Labels Are of Wrong Size and Color

If you have a Hub Site, you might have noticed the following issue: some hub menu items (and labels) are not picking the color and size of the font that was set in the Theme Builder. 

In this article, we will help you fix this issue.


When you are trying to change the font, font color, and text size in the Theme Builder, Fonts & Typography > Menus > Hub Menu, the changes are not being applied to the labels and sub-items. 

Here is how this looks like in the case of a label (notice the difference in size with other menu items on the left and right):


There is an issue in ShortPoint Theme Builder affecting the hub menu labels and sub-items that is currently being fixed.


Go to ShortPoint Dashboard > Theme Builder > Utilities > Custom CSS

Put in the following code if your problem is with the sub-menu item (an item in a drop-down):

.ms-HubNav .ms-HorizontalNavItem-link {
    font-size: 18px !important;
    color: #03787C !important;

In case you want to target the label of a hub menu:

.ms-HubNav .ms-HorizontalNav-chevronDown {
 font-size: 18px !important;
 color: #03787C !important;

Please edit the code so that it indicates the desired font size and color.

If you want to target both, please use these two code blocks together:

.ms-HubNav .ms-HorizontalNavItem-link {
    font-size: 18px !important;
    color: #03787C !important;
.ms-HubNav .ms-HorizontalNav-chevronDown {
 font-size: 18px !important;
 color: #03787C !important;

After you have pasted the code and edited the values to match your desired outcome, save the changes. The problem should be solved.

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