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How to Customize the Tiles Design Element in Live Mode

In this article, we will walk you through how to insert and customize the Tiles Design Element in Live Mode.

Sample Tiles Element



Step-by-step Tutorial

Follow the steps below to learn how to customize the Tiles Design Element:

Step 1: Insert the Tiles Design Element

Get Started on the interactive video below to learn how to insert the Tiles Design Element using Live Mode:

NOTE: Check out ShortPoint Basics: How to Insert a Design Element in Live Mode for more details.

Step 2: Add Content to your Tiles

Go to the Items tab and click the cogwheel icon.

cogwheel button

Add a Title.


Add a Description.


Add a Link (1) and specify the Linking Option (2).

Link and Linking Option

Then, choose an Icon (1) and/or an Image (2). 

Icon and Image

Use the back icon to go back to the other tiles and repeat the same steps.

back icon

(Optional) Click Add New if you want to add more tiles. 

Add New

(Optional) Click the Trash icon if you want to delete a tile. 


(Optional) Drag and Drop a Tile to change its position.

Drag and Drop

Step 3: Customize your Tiles

On the Design tab, customize the Tiles’ size, color, and color transparency.

Size, color, and color transparency

Then, customize the Text Horizontal Alignment, Shape, and Style of your tiles.

Text horizontal alignment, shape, and style

NOTE: Learn more about the customization options mentioned above in the Tiles Features section.

Step 4: Insert and Save

Once you are satisfied, click the green check mark.

green check mark

Click Save.


Then, click Republish.


Tiles Features

There are many ways to customize the features of the Tiles Design Element. In the settings window, you will find the following tabs:

A. Design Tab

You can modify the default design of the element in the Design Tab. Below are the settings you can configure:

Design tab

SizeSizecustomize the size of your tile. You can choose from Small, Medium, Large, and Huge.
specifies the color of the tile. All ShortPoint Colors are supported.
Color transparencyColor Transparencyadjust the transparency of the tile color.
Text Horizontal AlignmentText Horizontal Alignmentspecifies the alignment of text. You can choose from Default, Left, Center, and Right.
ShapeShapechange the shape of the tile. You can choose from Default, Wide, Square, and Tall.
StyleStylechange the style of the tile. You can choose from Sarah, Flat, Bordered, and Flip.

Image PlacementImage Placementcustomize the placement of the background image. You can choose from:
  • Default
  • Cover the area (will resize the image to fill the whole container from all edges)
  • Show entire image (will resize the image to make the whole image fill the container while maintaining the image aspect ratio), and 
  • Actual size (will show the exact image size without any resizing while maintaining the image aspect ratio).
Enable Advanced image settingsEnable advanced image settingsenables advanced image settings.
Image Horizontal PositionImage Horizontal Positionadjusts the horizontal position of the image (Default, Center, Left, and Right).
Image Vertical PositionImage Vertical Positionadjusts the vertical position of the image (Default, Top, Center, and Bottom).
Image RepeatImage Repeatrepeats the image (Default, Repeat,  Don’t Repeat, Repeat Horizontally, and Repeat Vertically).

B. Items Tab

The Items tab allows you to duplicate, delete, configure the content, and add new tiles. Each tile has the following action items:

Items tab


Duplicate icon
Duplicateduplicates the tile selected.
Cogwheel iconCogwheelopens a new window that allows you to edit the content of each tile. See the table below for the cogwheel icon settings.

Trash iconTrash
deletes the tile selected.
Add NewAdd New 
adds new tile.

Drag and Drop
allows you to re-arrange the position of the tiles.

specify the title of your tile.
add a description to your tile.
LinkLink specify the URL where you want to redirect users.
Linking OptionLinking Option
specify the behavior of the link including:
  • Default (link will be opened in the same window), 
  • LightBox (link will be opened in the lightbox), 
  • New window (link will be opened in the new tab), and 
  • Dialog (link will be opened in the dialog window).
choose from a list of icons. You can check out all supported icons here.
ImageImageadd a background image for the tile.

C. Advanced Tab

This tab allows you to further customize the Tiles Design Element. Below are the options available:

Advanced tab

Icon colorIcon Color
customizes the color of the icon.
Spacing between linesSpacing between tiles

adjusts the spacing between each tile.
Tiles LayoutTiles layout

choose the layout of the tile (Default, Grid, and Masonry).

text colorText Color

specifies the color of your text.
Text sizeText Size

specifies the size of your text.

adjusts the height of your tile.
adjusts the width of your tile.

Blur effectBlur effect

adds a blurred effect to your tile (Default, None, Light, Medium, Strong)

D. Custom CSS Tab

This tab allows you to use your own CSS, HTML, and Javascript code to customize the Tiles Design Element. 

NOTE: Check out our support article on How to Insert Custom CSS into a Page Builder Element? (Basic Tutorial) to know more about Custom CSS.

Custom CSS tab

NOTE: The Connect and Visibility tabs are not available in Live Mode.

Congratulations, you now know how to customize the Tiles Design Element in Live Mode! Enjoy customizing the Tiles Design Element on your SharePoint sites.

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