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Introduction to ShortPoint Panel Design Element

In this article, we will introduce the Panel Design Element including its basic functions and ways to design it.



What is the Panel Design Element?

The Panel Design Element is one of the elements found in the Page Builder. It allows ShortPoint Designers to organize content into separate sections, making it easier to categorize, label, and group your content according to the purpose of your SharePoint site.

Sample Panel layout

When is the Panel Design Element Used?

Here are some of the instances you can use the Panel Design Element for your SharePoint pages:

  • You can use it to add structure to your page, providing a cleaner and visually appealing page.

For example, we used panels in the layout below to make the page look sleek and clean despite the sheer amount of content on the page.

Sample page with panels

  • You can use it to label and categorize content, making it easier for the site viewers to find the content they are looking for.

In the example below, we used panels to group together the flight schedule, list of employees, and documents.

Sample Panel design

  • You can use it to elevate the design of your SharePoint page. It has a wide selection of modern and practical panel design styles that allows you to add unique elements to each individual panel.

In the sample below, we used panels to add a pop of color to the page.

Panel template

How to Design the Panel Design Element?

There are many ways to design the Panel Design Element. We have listed below a couple of ways to create a unique Panel:

  • Add a touch of color to your panel

Panel colorPanel color

  • Add subtitles and icons

Panel with subtitlePanel with icons

  • Customize the separator’s style, size, and color

Separator StyleSeparator sizeSeparator color

  • Customize the border’s style, size, and color

Border StyleBorder sizeBorder color

NOTE: For more ways to design your Panel Design Element, check out our Demos Library. From there, you can copy any template and paste it into your page.

Congratulations! You now know the basics of the Panel Design Element. Check out how to customize it in Live Mode and Grid Mode

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