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Known Issue: "Hmmm... Can't reach this page" (Page Not Found) Microsoft Graph Integration Error

You are setting up the Microsoft Graph Integration (ShortPoint Dashboard > Integrations > Microsoft Graph), and after accepting requested permissions, get this error:

"Hmmm... Can't reach this page" 

Hmmm... can't reach this page error


The token contains all AD Roles and Groups the user (who is granting permissions) has on the Azure AD tenancy. If the logged-in user has many roles or groups assigned, the token size becomes pretty large. 

SharePoint has URL limit of 2083 characters, and once the limit is exceeded, it throws an error "Hmmm... Can't reach this page".


Option 1

Use another user which is Global Admin with fewer Roles or assigned Groups.

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Option 2

Use the same user account, but remove some assigned Groups (or Roles) temporally until the work is done.

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