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Known Issue: Inline Design Elements are Not Fully Supported in the Visual Builder

Please note: this article is old and dedicated to ShortPoint Visual Builder Beta early versions. Starting with ShortPoint SPFx 8.0.16.xx version, the inline Design Elements are being migrated smoothly when switching to Visual Builder. 

Make sure to upgrade your ShortPoint version to 8.0.16.xx and later. Continue to these solution articles:

Inline Design Elements are not fully supported in the Visual Builder. You may notice this while migrating your pages into Visual Builder.

In this article, we will explain how you can adjust your contents after the migration.


This article is for you if

  • You have the ShortPoint SPFx Visual Builder version 8.0.x.xx or later.
  • You use Office 365 (SharePoint Online) or SharePoint 2019 environment.
  • You are a ShortPoint user with an active license.


If you have an inline Design Element in between two text parts, after the page migration, it will appear on a new line between two Text Design Elements. This is how it will look like:

  • In the edit mode of a content-holder Design Element, Content tab:

Content tab with 2 text parts and inline Design Element in between

  • In the Wireframe Builder:

Wireframe Builder mode with 2 text parts and inline Design Element in between

  • In the Visual Builder:

Visual Builder mode with 2 text parts and inline Design Element in between

  • In the view mode:

View mode with 2 text parts and inline Design Element in between

ShortPoint has 10 inline Design Elements in total. These are: Abbreviation, Button, Dropcap, Emphasis, Icon, Label, Link, Popover, Tooltip, Small.


The inline Design Elements cannot be added in between other text parts in Visual Builder.


There are two possible options on how to deal with the inline Design Elements, if you need to use them in the middle of the text:

  • Solution 1. Insert the inline Design Element from the text editor options of the Text Design Element

Select a part of the text and convert it to whatever inline Design Element you want. This way you can also update the migrated page content in case you need to have the inline Design Elements in between the text parts.

Convert the text part into an Inline Design Element

This is how it will look like:

Inline Design Element inside the Text content: edit mode

And in the view mode:

Inline Design Element inside the Text content: view mode

If you would like to know how to use the inline Design Elements inside the Text Design Element, please, continue to our solution article: Introducing Inline Design Elements Feature for Visual Builder and Wireframe Builder

  • Solution 2. Insert the inline Design Element on a new line

Another option is the default migration behavior: to add an inline Design Element on a new line, so it will appear between two Text Design Elements.

This is how it will look like:

Two Text Design Elements and inline Design Element in between: edit mode

And in the view mode:

Two Text Design Elements and inline Design Element in between: view mode

Please see the steps below:

Step 1: Add the first part of text to the Design Element's content

Edit the page. There are two ways of adding the text content:

  • Option 1. Add a Text Design Element inside the content-holder Design Element

Click the Insert button inside the content-holder Design Element:

Insert button inside content-holder Design Element

Select Text Design Element from the grid:

Text Design Element is selected from the Page Builder options

Inside the Content tab add the text content (1) and click Insert button (2):

Content tab: text is added, prompted to click Insert to add the Design Element

  • Option 2. From the Content tab of the content-holder Design Element

Open the settings of the content-holder Design Element by clicking the cog wheel icon:

Cog icon: Settings of the content-holder Design Element

Switch to the Content tab and add the first part of the text content you would like to have inside the content-holder Design Element:

Switch to Content tab and add the text

Click Update.

Update button


In both cases inserted text will still be added as a Text Design Element:

Text Design Element is added as a result

To learn more about the text editing experience in Wireframe Builder and Visual Builder, please check this solution article: Text Editing Experience in Visual Builder and Wireframe Builder.

Step 2: Insert the inline Design Element

Click the Insert button inside the content-holder Design Element:

Insert button for the content-holder Design Element

Select from the grid the inline Design Element you would like to use (for example, a Link):

Link Design Element is selected from the Page Builder options

Add the Design Element settings and click Insert once you are done:

Insert button

Step 3: Add the rest of the text to the Design Element's content

Repeat the Step 1 to add the rest of the text content after the inline Design Element.

This is how it will look like in Wireframe Builder mode:

Wireframe Builder view: two Text Design Elements and inline Design Element in between

Save and/or republish your page. 

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