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Enable Copying Elements from your Page

If you have visited our Demos Website, you may have noticed a ShortPoint Copy bar fixated at the top of the website, which allows you to easily copy elements from the page

Did you know that you can create the same on your site? Site designers can choose the elements they need and copy them from this demo page to a site they are developing. This can be greatly beneficial for maintaining design uniformity across all your SharePoint websites. Please read further to discover how you can build a page like this in your environment.


  • you have a valid ShortPoint license on your environment;
  • you are logged in under the ShortPoint user account if you are using a paid license.

Step 1. Choose an existing or create a new page.

You can try this solution out on a Classic or Modern SharePoint page that contains some ShortPoint elements. 

For this example, we will be using one of our Demo Pages - if you like it feel free to check it out:

Step 2. Enable element for copying.

Edit the page.

Choose an element you would like to enable for copying. For example, I have chosen this Image List element. Press the cog wheel to open the settings:

Switch to Custom CSS Tab in the settings and type shortpoint-copy as a Class. Then, press Update:


You just made your Image List available for copy. In the View mode, the ShortPoint Copy Bar will become visible. After clicking Allow to copy single ShortPoint, you will have a Copy button available on the Image list element, which will appear there after you hover the mouse over the element:


1) to make multiple elements available for copy, you need to repeat Step 2 for all the elements you plan to enable for copying;

2) you can do the same solution not only with elements, but with ShortPoint Sections - this is how our Demos Website was made;

3) delete the shortpoint-copy class from the element to disable it from copying.

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