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How to Preserve a Particular Tab in the Tabs Design Element

This article is for you if you are interested to keep a particular tab open when the page is loaded. The Tabs element has two options of such feature.

Option 1. Preserving the last open tab

As you can see from the animation below, this option preserves the tab that was last opened by a user:


In the settings of the Tabs element, navigate to the Advanced tab, and enable Preserve Active Tab feature. Click Update:

Option 2.  Setting one tab as Active

In this scenario, you will choose one tab that the element will open by default after refreshing the page. In the below animation, the Second Tab is set as active:


In the settings of the element, navigate to the Advanced tab, and insert the tab number you want to have open by default in the Active Tab Number field. Don't forget to click the Update button:

That's it. Now you know how to keep a particular tab open when the page is loaded.

NOTE: These two options are not working together. Please use either the first or the second option.

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