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[Classic Experience Only] How to Create Header Sub-menus with Drop-down Lists

To present the site structure, it is very useful to take full advantage of the header menu. In this tutorial, we will show you how to create a structured menu with drop-down lists (sub-menus), just like this one:


This article is for you if

  • You use SharePoint Classic Experience.
  • You have ShortPoint installed on your SharePoint sites.
  • You are a ShortPoint user with active license.

Step 1. Setting up the Navigation

  • Prerequisite

To complete this step, you need to have the Publishing Features activated on the Site and Site Collection Level.

  • Changing the Site Settings

Open the Site Settings. Under the Look and Feel category choose Navigation:

Under the Global Navigation choose Managed Navigation:

Scroll down a little and find the category Managed Navigation: Term Set.  

Click Create Term Set button (1). You will see that a new folder has appeared (highlighted in yellow on the screenshot below). Then, click Term Store Management Tool (2). A new tab in your browser will be opened.

Before managing the Term Store (step 2 of this tutorial), click OK at the bottom of the Navigation page to save the changes:

Step 2. Term Store Management

After the Term Store Management Tool is opened, search for the newly created folder in the list on the left:

Hover over it to see an arrow button. Click it and choose Create Term from the drop-down options:

  1. Type in a name for the first term you would like to use in your navigation menu. 
  2. Choose the Navigation tab at the top. 
  3. Under Navigation Node Type, choose Simple Link or Header
  4. Copy the page address you would like this term to redirect the user to, and paste it into the Simple Link or Header field.

In the same way, please create other terms. For creating drop-down lists (sub-menus), hover over the necessary term, press the arrow button and create a sub-term, as shown below:

Don't forget to set up the links for every new term in the Navigation tab. 

After you are finished, press Save at the bottom of the page.

Step 3. Header Menu Customization in ShortPoint Theme Builder

To set up the background, hover and text colors of the sub menu, you need to open the ShortPoint Theme Builder (Site Contents > ShortPoint Dashboard > Theme Builder and click Customize my Site). 

Then, choose Menus > Backgrounds & ColorsIn this panel, you will be able to customize the look and feel of your menu and sub-menus. 

After everything is ready, press Publish to save your changes:

To find out more about header and menu customization in Theme Builder, please check How to Design a Beautiful Header (Inspired by ShortPoint Demos Website).

That's it. Happy customizing!

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