Hello Chris,
Thank you for your patience.
We have prepared some Custom CSS solutions for you.
/* Active blue color TOC item */ .shortpoint-toc li.shortpoint-toc-focus a { background-color: #36a9e0; color: #fff !important; font-size: 20px; font-family: Verdana; } /* Hover on inactive TOC item */ .shortpoint-toc ul a:hover, .shortpoint-toc li a:hover { background-color: #eee; } /*Hover on inactive TOC item text color*/ .g1-content a:hover { color: #000; }
Please let us know if it works for you.
Just checking in, haven't heard anything yet.
Any word on this?
Haven't heard from anyone yet.
Hello Chris,
Thank you for your request. I will ask our experts to prepare some custom codes for you and will update you soon.
Kind Regards,
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Chris Vance
Can you please provide example CSS, and what styles are available, for the TOC Navigation?
Reference: https://www.shortpoint.com/shortpoints/toc/
On the above page, the TOC is shown with a blue-ish background for "First Chapter", and then that background rolls over any other heading as it scrolls, but keeps the on-hover gray.
TOC backgrounds, font family/size, hover, active, etc.
TOP link size, color, family, etc.