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How to Add a Background Image to the SharePoint Page Header

By default, your SharePoint header has a basic design:

default header design

This article will demonstrate how to add a background image to the Header of your SharePoint page using the ShortPoint Code Editor Web Part

SharePoint Header with background image

Quick Walkthrough

1. Copy the code below and replace the background-image URL value with the  background image URL you want to use:

/* header-background */
shortpoint.$('[class*=headerRow-]').css({ 'background-image': 'url(https://yourimageurl.jpeg)', 'background-position': 'center', 'background-size': 'cover'});

2. Go to your SharePoint page and add the ShortPoint Code Web Part.

3. Click the Edit Properties icon of the ShortPoint Code to edit it.

4. Paste the copied code in the JavaScript field, customize it to your needs, and click Save.

5. Close the ShortPoint Code window.

6. Republish the page.



Step-by-step Tutorial

Go through the steps to learn how to add a background image to your SharePoint Header. We will be using a JavaScript Code to accomplish this.

Step 1: Copy the JavaScript Code

Copy the JavaScript code below:

/* header-background */
shortpoint.$('[class*=headerRow-]').css({ 'background-image': 'url(https://yourimageurl.jpeg)', 'background-position': 'center', 'background-size': 'cover'});

Replace the background-image URL value with the background Image URL you want to use. See the example below for your reference:

/* header-background */
shortpoint.$('[class*=headerRow-]').css({ 'background-image': 'url(', 'background-position': 'center', 'background-size': 'cover'});

Step 2: Add the ShortPoint Code Web Part

Go to the SharePoint page where you want to add a Header Background and click Edit:


Click the close icon to leave the Toolbox:

close icon

Select the plus icon to add a web part:

plus icon

Use the search bar to look for ShortPoint Code, or scroll down until you see the Advanced section. Click ShortPoint Code:

ShortPoint code

Step 3: Edit the ShortPoint Code Web Part

Click the Edit Properties icon:

Edit properties icon

Step 4: Paste the Code

Click the Edit JavaScript field:

Edit JavaScript field

Paste the code in the space provided:

Paste code

You can directly edit the code in the code editor. Freely customize the code according to your needs and click Save:

customizing code

NOTEMake sure that Sandbox Mode is disabled. Otherwise, the JavaScript code will not be applied properly.

Step 5: Delete Default Codes

Delete default codes inside the Edit HTML field and Edit CSS field:

delete default codes

Step 6: Republish Page

Once satisfied, click the close icon to leave the ShortPoint Code window:

close icon

Click Republish once you’re ready to make your changes live:


Congratulations! You've successfully added a background image to your SharePoint Header:

header with background image

 We listed below more ways to use the ShortPoint Code Editor. Check them out now!

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